Wednesday, December 26, 2012

How to keep your bunny cool during the summer

                      If it's hot where you live during the summer, here's a way to keep the little guy cold.

  1. A plastic water bottle
  2. Water
  3. Freezer

  1. Pour water into water bottle
  2. Put water bottle into freezer
  3. Wait for about 30 minutes- 1 hour
  4. Place water bottle next to bunny
Now, this won't let them freeze to death, because it'll melt quickly.

When will the bunnies hop out of the nest box?

                          They'll open their eyes at 10- 14 days old. They hop out of the nest box at 13 to 18 days old. Make sure you clean the nest box at about 10 days old or they'll get a eye disease called " Nest box eyes". The way to help that is to:

  • Clean the nest box
  • Buy a medicine called "Terramycin" oil 
  • Use a warm, damp cloth and rub it on the eyes, gently pull the eyes open THIS IS ONLY IF THE EYES AREN'T OPENED
My bunnies hopped out of the nest box at 16 days old. If they're more than 18 days old and haven't hopped out, but opened their eyes, help them out and get rid of the nest box because they no longer need it. If they HAVE hopped out of the nest, but their eyes ARE NOT opened, immediately go to the vet, because there's something wrong with them.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

How to clean your bunny cage

                           What is this? A cage. A dirty bunny cage. You don't want your bunny to have diseases.... Right??? Hope so.
                                           How to tidy up your bunny cage

  1. Take your bunny/ies out of the cage. 
  2. Throw away the bedding
  3. Fill it up with brand new bedding
  4. Place bunny/ies back in
Easy as the alphabet!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Think your bunny isn't feeding the babies?

Think again. They only feed them once a day, 12 AM- 5 AM. If you want to make sure, read my article on"How to feed the baby bunnies with the mom's original milk".

How to keep your newborn rabbits warm and secure

                        You want to make sure that you have:

  1. a heating pad or a foot heater
  2. a cardboard or plastic box
  3. soft bedding
  4. a blanket large enough to cover the hutch or cage
  5. the mommy rabbit
I know I'm posting a lot of newborn bunny care, but it's because my bunny just got babies. I'm not a professional, but I'm doing the best I can to help you guys.

Steps to keep them warm

  1. set the heating pad or foot heater on low 
  2. put heating pad in box
  3. put bedding in the box 
  4. place bunnies in box
  5. put box in cage or hutch
  6. place the blanket over the cage make sure you leave a gap so they wont suffocate.

Getting a new rabbit

                                   What you need for a rabbit

  1. Cage or hutch
  2. water bottle
  3. bowl
  4. hay
  5. food
  6. a nice, quiet, and dark spot
  7. bedding
If you are a first-time bunny owner, you want all of these. Make sure you are very delicate with them, too. Also, have a nice, caring nature with your new rabbit.

Friday, December 21, 2012

How to feed your baby bunnies from the mom's original milk

                        Take the mom and baby out. Flip the mom over by gently pushing her ears against her head, and cradle her like a baby. Find a nipple, and get the baby. Put the baby on the nipple and it'll start sucking. Once it's done sucking, put it back in the hutch or cage. Repeat these steps, and the bunnies will become strong and healthy, hopefully.

 To request me for posts, or problems, e-mail me at:

How to tell if your newborn bunnies are dehydrated

                             One way to tell if your bunnies are dehydrated is when their hips, the place in front of their back legs, are skinny, an easier way to see if its dehydrated is when their skin is wrinkly. I suppose the most easy way is to flip them over and see if their belly is full.

How to know if your rabbit is pregnant

                           HOW TO KNOW IF YOUR RABBIT IS PREGNANT

  1. She'll start pulling out fur from the chest to make a nest, so don't clean it up
  2. She eats more than usual
  3. She has lumps in her belly. DO NOT POKE HER BELLY.
  4. She looks bigger than usual
  5. She becomes grumpy
Make sure to separate the dad so he won't harm them. You can touch them, but after you touch them, make sure to rub the bedding or fur on them so the human scent will rub off.
I hope this helps!